Saturday, 5 December 2009

Film noir: Sound

Like in any other movie, Film noir uses a mixture of digectic and non-digetic sound;

Non-Digetic: (Not heard on scene) Downbeat jazz was widely used in film noir, it seemed to follow the mood of the film. If something exciting was going to happen the music would speed up, if something mysterious was happening the music would slow down. However, it was usually the same song being played over again, just at different tempo’s. Voice overs from characters flashbacks were added in to give the feel as if your reading into their mind.

Digetic: (Heard on scene) There are alot of moments in film noir when no sound was present, this silence emphises the paranoia and makes you feel on edge, you can also hear a lot of ambience from the city were used to make the scene feel as realistic as possible, this included
sounds such as busy traffic, people and perhaps gunfire.

(This is a mixture of my own work, and from filmnoir wikipedia)

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